12th energy conference ENERGY FORUM
ENERGY FORUM is an annual energy event dedicated to decision makers in the public and private sectors who wish to get a comprehensive overview of energy issues yet from different angles and tomorrow’s perspective in the Baltics and neighbouring countries. This years topic – Transformation of Energy Architecture Design in the Baltic Sea Region.
Thank you to speakers, participants, sponsors! Together, we, the participants of the energy market – business, decision makers, consumers – took another step towards energy security in the Baltic Sea region, smoother relations and more profitable activities.
According to the participants, the Energy Forum is one of the only conferences on energy today that promotes such valuable discussions about regional energy strategies, sharing market challenges in the Baltic Sea region and providing an opportunity to jointly search for constructive solutions.
On behalf of the organizers, we would like to say a big thank you to Snieguolė Matonienė, director of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania, for her great work in preparing the conference, and Enefit Lietuva for the generous support of the Energy Forum – your support is invaluable to us and has been instrumental in making this event a success.
See you next year! The title of the Energy Forum 2025 conference is ENERGY DIALOGUES.
Energy Forum organizing team
Estonian Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania
Noewe Legal